I am committed to providing clients with the latest in cutting edge health and fitness methods, technology and environments for apex health and fitness results.

Athletic Apex founder, Randall Hunt, was born and raised in the inner city streets of Compton, California. Randall has always possessed an affinity for innovation and challenging the limits of what is perceived possible.
After watching a golf tournament on the television, Randall decided at the age of nine that he wanted to learn to learn to play golf. His family did not have the means to fulfill this dream for their son by the traditional methods of a golf instructor and country club. So Randall taught himself how to play by hitting golf balls in a dirt field and checking out golf instruction books from the local library.
Randall Hunt spent thousands of hours learning the game of golf through mostly trial and error. Eventually, he developed a golf skill set that not only helped him become one of the top junior golfers in the country but also earned a golf scholarship which provided a full-ride to Pepperdine University, the Division 1 NCAA National Champions.
During his time at Pepperdine, Randall endured a car accident that left his right arm partially paralyzed. After numerous surgeries and years of countless rehabilitation attempts with some of the world’s most re-known doctors, Randall was told that he would never regain the full use of his right arm and should likely accept a life of chronic pain.
But Randall’s determination to challenge the limits set him on a course to heal his arm and alleviate his chronic pain. Randall spent countless hours in numerous medical libraries learning everything possible about the human body. After years of failed attempts,
Randall finally developed an interactive system for optimal nerve and muscle development
to regain the full use of his right arm and completely rid himself of pain.
Afterwards, Randall returned to playing golf competitively, competing and winning golf tournaments around the world. The innovative and proprietary knowledge Randall learned on his quest for rehabilitation led to the creation of his Bionetic system, which has been used by the United States Olympic Training Center and world-renowned professional athletes worldwide.
Over the years, Randall has been hired by some of the leading equipment manufactures in the health and fitness industry to develop and design some of the most innovative equipment pieces in the industry. Randall’s health clubs are an accumulation of the best biomechanically sound equipment and programming that he has been a part of over the years.
Randall Hunt’s company, Athletic Apex, was forged with his DNA and operates with the precepts in which he lives his life,
“Everything has a purpose, everything has a reason, and everything is done to the Apex.”
Today, Randall is acting CEO of the Athletic Apex Enterprise. While in his spare time, he enjoys spending time with his family and his role as an avid aviator, traveling the globe with his wife, Stevi, and son Randall Jr. Randall was also appointed by the Governor of Florida onto the Greater Orlando Aviation Authority Board which oversees more than 21,000 employees and $4 billion in assets.

Ultimately, Athletic Apex Founder, Randall Hunt, seeks to help others obtain their optimal apex in life and transform their bodies into reaching their fullest potential.