Athletic Apex Health Club
everything you need to know about our new apex standards
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the best
health club
in Penfield just got better!
We want to take a few moments on safety and how we are set up to provide you the safest and best place to get back into your routine. We found an infectious disease expert who reviewed our protocols and replied with the following statement:
"I have reviewed coronavirus mitigation practices at a variety of public venues, including nursing homes, restaurants, bars and department stores. Your proposal is one of the most thorough approaches I have encountered…" - Dr. Ravi
So we can assure you that as long as we all hold to the guidelines in place, this will be a very safe place to come prioritize your health and fitness. We have other data being collected by third parties and various state organizations from across the US that prove the fitness industry has the lowest infection rate compared to many other industries open. Having said that, we want each and every member to make a decision that is best for your own individual situation. We are here to support our members and care for all of you and only you know what is right for you and your family. Our biggest desire is to educate everyone on how safe we are and then support every person in the decisions they make regarding next steps.
We will be operating at a 33% occupancy. Luckily our facility is so large that helps us allow more people access than a lot of places.
Masks are required to be worn by everyone while inside the building, even while exercising. If there is a medical concern then a face shield is required. We will offer masks that are very breathable if you need to purchase one ($3).
We have a modified one-way Entrance and Exit plan in place to accommodate space and distancing for our current check-in system.
We are asking all members to bring everything they need for their workout to limit any unnecessary person-to-person interactions (example: bring your own towels, water bottles, mats when possible). We will still have towels and mats as needed, just please consider bringing your own as often as possible.
We will also be closing down each day between 1pm - 2pm to sanitize the facility. During this time there will be no members allowed inside the facility.
The Kids Zone will be open and temperatures of all children will be taken. We will have limited capacity and are going to be working on determining the best system to allow everyone fair access. (This might include a reservation system if that becomes necessary.)
Water fountains will not be available for use except the one that can refill a bottle. So please plan accordingly.
Stall showers will be available for use only if each member agrees to sanitize the shower stall after use. All communal showers will not be available for use until further notice.
Whirlpool, saunas and steam rooms will not be available for use until further notice.
Limited pool availability due to social distancing is going to require lane reservations. Members may reserve a lane for 30-minutes at a time (and if when they check in no one has reserved the 30-minute slot behind theirs then they can book also), with a maximum of 1-hour at this time.
Swim Lessons are continuing with certain guidelines as well using distancing guidelines. Contact Alex for more questions at
Racquetball will be available in a limited capacity.
Our Café (smoothies and coffee bar) is temporarily closed until further notice. Ready to drink beverages (including energy drinks, protein shakes, and water) are available for purchase.
We are not currently offering Day Passes for visitors due to the limited occupancy. We want to ensure that our current members access priority.
Throughout the duration of your visit you must wear a face covering (bandanas, buffs, and gaiters are not permitted in fitness facilities).
When you first enter the facility, you will notice things look different. All areas have been redesigned for social distancing. Markers on the floor and signs throughout the building are in place to make maintaining social distancing simple. Please take a moment to read, and abide by, the new signage and guide markers as you come across them.
You will also notice an increased amount of hand sanitizer and cleaning stations throughout the building to make hand hygiene and equipment maintenance more convenient. Members will be asked to clean equipment before and after each use and utilize hand sanitizer as needed.
We are asking all members to behave in a responsible way by adhering to the following:
If you are sick, stay home. If you have a temperature, stay home. If someone in your house is sick, stay home. If you have allergies and can’t control sneezing, stay home.
Pre-plan your workout routine to avoid lingering/socializing to allow other members to workout, due to reduced occupancy/distancing.
Limit the items you touch within the gyms to only the items you will use.
You are required to wear a mask that covers your mouth and nose at all times. You understand that gaiters, bandanas and buffs are not acceptable face coverings. If you have a medical condition that prohibits you from wearing a mask you must wear a face shield.
Wipe down each piece of equipment you use before and after use and dispose of the wipe appropriately.
Wash your hands with soap and water before and after you leave the building. If not possible, use hand sanitizer when you enter and before you leave the building.
Remember social distancing requirements in locker rooms.
Maintain appropriate social and physical distance from other members and employees when walking throughout the gyms to the best extent possible.
Speak in a respectful tone while discussing social distancing or other concerns.
If members are not compliant with the new policies and protocols, they will be asked to leave the facility.
Daily health screening is required to verify certain information from each of you on a daily basis that come to work out and we will need to check your temperature before being able to use the facility. We have added a questionnaire into your profile for you to complete each day before you arrive in an effort to speed up the check in process. You will need to download the GymMaster Member app from your app store. When you open the app, you will use your email on file to register and create a password. See below the steps to follow to complete the questionnaire each day.
access member portal through desktop
Don't have access to the app? You can always access your member portal through your desktop or browser to make reservations or check on your account.
Athletic Apex is committed to maintaining a clean and safe environment utilizing products that meet EPA’s criteria. We have increased our already rigorous cleaning practices to include:
The facility will be entirely cleaned and disinfected prior to opening and after closing each day.
All staff will be trained in regards to how they can reduce the spread of COVID-19.
All equipment will be cleaned throughout the day and before opening and after closing.
This is in addition to members cleaning equipment before and after use, and Group Exercise instructors cleaning equipment.
Enhanced cleaning protocol will focus on high-traffic, high-touch common areas.
We have installed a sophisticated air sanitization system which generates oxidizing molecules from ambient air, eradicating pathogens at a cellular level.
Acrylic barriers have been installed at front desk and check in areas to provide extra protection for staff and members.
Most equipment has been spaced to maintain appropriate social distance.
Signage installed and staff monitoring areas to enforce social distancing practices.
If you have any questions, please contact us. Club Manager, Brett Shevich (, would be happy to assist you. For Pool related questions, you may contact Alex Bezek ( We are continuing to evaluate our practices and will make necessary changes to ensure safety for everyone. We look forward to learning and growing with you as we navigate this new world. We hope to see you at Athletic Apex soon.